Orbis Romanus
 Published Sheets

The four data file types supported by the Orbis Romanus database are simple ASCII text files. Each line of the file represents a record, several records build a data object. Each data object starts with a record of type POS or POR defining the geographical position. Each item can have a “?” appended to mark an uncertain knowledge. Comment lines start with ‘//’. All other valid records start with a three-letter code:


POS  longitude latitude longitude latitude longitude latitude....

   Format: ddmmss or ddmm, missing=9999,approximate=leading ~.

   fluvii:  1 coordinate pair defines the position of the mouth of the river

   gentes: 3 coordinate pairs define start, middle end endpoint of name on map.

   geogr: 3 coordinate pairs define start, middle end endpoint of name on map.

   loci : 1 coordinate pair defines the position of place or object.

POR  longitude latitude longitude latitude longitude latitude....

   Format: ‘dd.frac’ fractional degrees

   fluvii: coordinate pairs define start and end points of CIA worldmap river segments.


ANG  ang1[deg] ang2[deg]...

   loci: override inclination angle of name on map, ang1 for scale>1:1M, ang2 for scale<1:1M

NOA name1[{range}],name2[{range}],name3[{range}]

   fluvii,gentes,geogr,loci: ancient names of object, optional time ranges

NOM name1

   fluvii,gentes,geogr,loci: modern names of object

ORD integer 1-9

   fluvii,gentes,geogr,loci: order of importance of object, 1=high,7=low,9=default(given by TYP)

FON name1,name2,name3...

   fluvii,gentes,geogr,loci: acronyms for source of information for object.

PRA  acronym or name

   loci: ancient province of object, current list of acronyms:
     BRIT britanica
     BEL belgica
     LUG lugdunensis
     GER INF Germania inferior
     GER SUP Germania superior
     GER EX  Germania extra limite
     RAE Raetia

PRM acronym or name

   loci: modern province of object, varying acronyms depending on country.

CIV name

   loci,gentes: ancient civitas of object

TYP type1[{range}],type2[{range}]...

   geogr: type of object:    insula, mons, fluvius, lacus,palus,vadum,saltus

   loci : civil functions of object and their time ranges, for a complete list see Symbols. Their might be multiple TYP records for one object.

MIL type1[{range}],type2[{range}]...

   loci : military functions of object and their time ranges, for a complete list see Symbols.

LEG legio1[{range}],legio2[{range}]...

   loci : legionary occupation history of camp.

HIS event1[{range}],event2[{range}]...

   loci: historical events affecting object, e.g. fondatus, deletus


   Time ranges are defined in the form {start-year end-year} or {start-year} or {century}, e.g.:

   {16bc 40ad}, {300 400}, {16bc}, {1c}=1st century,{sero}=late antiquity.

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